Eastern Bluebird

by M Three Photos
Eastern Bluebird
M Three Photos
Photograph - Digital Art
The eastern bluebird is a favorite songbird of birders. The bird�s bright blue color and melodious song make it a welcome visitor to backyards. The photo of this Eastern Bluebird was shot in my backyard in Charlotte, NC. It is very attractive and attantion getter because of its bright blue and white colors. It is not quite as skittish as most birds its size and so offers a unique oppotunity for bird watchers and photographers. The Eastern Bluebird is found largely in the lowerer southern states. Farmlands and rural areas are a favorite nesting location.
March 8th, 2014
Comments (3)

Olga Hamilton
Little serious bird :) Great capture!
M Three Photos replied:
Thank you very much! Sturat is a nice place. I spent some time there after one of the Hurricanes several years ago. I am a retired Salvation Army Officer, I also have a friend (Greg Mull) who iswith the Sherriff's Department there. Sincerely, Bob Mullins